Warm up Now that we have studied Martinique and Louisiana, if you had to choose between both places, which one you would prefer to live at? (explain in.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up Now that we have studied Martinique and Louisiana, if you had to choose between both places, which one you would prefer to live at? (explain in minimum of 6 sentences )

Making observation; giving impressions To make an observation: Ce qui est incroyable, c’est les épices. Ce qui saute au yeux, c’est les couleurs des costumes. What catches your eyes is… Ce qui me branche vraiment, c’est le jazz. Ce que je trouve super, c’est le mardigras. Ce que j’adore/ j’aime, c’est voir les gens danser. To give an impression: On dirait que les Cajun aiment bien s’amuser. II me semble que les bâtments sont vieux. It seems to me that…. J’ai l’impression que le blues est populaire ici. IIs ont l’air d’aimer à danser. They seem to….

* Do # 29, cd 11, Tr. 12 Page 326 * Do # 30 * Do #31 P. 327

Plan A: How to hold a cajun festival- 1) We meet as a group (6) and decide on the food we need, the entertainment, a date (optional), a location. One student, the chef, makes a grocery list. Another student designs the menu and the program. Finally, all group members prepare a brief skit that will take place at the festival. At the festival, one student acts as the host and greets the guests…

Reading/conversation in French On on one *Handouts! * Review Final exam! Exit!!