Bullying prevention: Engaging youth in the solution La prévention de l’intimidation : inciter les jeunes à trouver une solution Kiana Baker-Sohn and Amélie.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Bullying prevention: Engaging youth in the solution La prévention de l’intimidation : inciter les jeunes à trouver une solution Kiana Baker-Sohn and Amélie Doyon

Kiana Baker-Sohn, Youth Facilitator for Beyond the Hurt, the Bullying Prevention Program of the Canadian Red Cross, Colonel By Secondary School Kiana Baker-Sohn, jeune animatrice du programme de prévention de l’intimidation Au-delà de la souffrance offert par la Croix-Rouge canadienne, École Colonel By Secondary Amélie Doyon, Violence Prevention Domestic Advisor, Canadian Red Cross Amélie Doyon, conseillère, Prévention de la violence au Canada, Croix-Rouge canadienne 2RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March 2014

VOLETS DU PROGRAMME É du Respect Gestion des risques et mise en œuvre de la prévention de la violence Prévention de la violence envers les enfants et les jeunes Promotion de relations saines dans les fréquentations amoureuses chez les jeunes Prévention de l’intimidation et du harcèlement 3RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March 2014

MISE EN OEUVRE du programme au-delÀ de la souffrance au sein d’une École RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March 20144


Do you think bullying usually happens in isolation? Yes or No? RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March 20146


Do you think a bystander can really help stop bullying? RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March 20148


WHY BEYOND THE HURT?  Youth facilitators gain confidence, leadership and presenting skills  Students reach out and spread awareness and knowledge to other youth in our schools  Youth understand the impact of their choices and the difference they can make  Youth have a voice and feel heard. 10 RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March

BEYOND THE HURT IN COLONEL BY HIGH SCHOOL  Spring Leadership Camp for Grade 10 students  student-led workshops about bullying and harassment prevention, power and labels  emphasis on student input on changes that can be made for the school  promote and create a safe environment for students to gain and work on leadership qualities  In-class presentations regarding bullying and harassment prevention, power and labels to our school and feeder schools 11 RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March

RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention – March THANK YOU! QUESTIONS?