Autofiction as (self-)criticism: some suggestions from contemporary Brazilian literature Sonia Miceli.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Autofiction as (self-)criticism: some suggestions from contemporary Brazilian literature Sonia Miceli

“Autobiographie? Non, c’est un privilège réservé aux importants de ce monde, au soir de leur vie, et dans un beau style. Fiction d’événements et de faits strictement réels; si l’on veut, autofiction, d’avoir confié le langage d’une aventure à l’aventure du langage”. Serge Doubrovsky, Fils, 1977

“J’ai voulu très profondément remplir cette case que votre analyse laissait vide, et c’est un véritable désir qui a soudain lié votre texte critique et ce que j’étais en train d’écrire”. Letter of October 17, Quoted by Lejeune in Moi aussi, Seuil, 1986, p. 63.

“Descarnado, o tempo inteiro eu esperava alguém se aproximar e me dar uma explicação. Um corpo sem pele não consegue achar nenhuma resposta”. “In flesh, I was waiting the whole time for someone to come closer and give me and explanation. A skinless body cannot find any answer”. Divórcio, p. 119

“Is this what you want? he asked, and I said yes, so he took off his skin for me. He was beautiful, shining red organs and crisp bones. I stepped forward to embrace him. I felt his naked wet muscles against my arms”. M. Hummer, “He took off his skin for me”

He loved words, loved using different ones to say the same thing again and again until he was sure he was fully understood. But he either had less to say now, or he felt that he was already saying it”. “People commented on his different appearance but they couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Have you lost weight? they’d ask, scratching their chin. In a way, he’d say. Smiling a red smile at me. Such a short sentence was unlike him.