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Le Subjonctif Verbes: page 279
The verb tenses that we have already learned (présent, passé composé, imparfait, futur, conditionnel) are in the INDICATIVE mood, which means that an action does, did, or will definitely happen. The SUBJUNCTIVE mood, on the other hand, refers to an action that may take place, but not definitely.
For example: Pierre finit ses devoirs.
Il est important que Pierre finisse ses devoirs. The first statement is in the indicative because Pierre is actually finishing his homework. The second example is in the subjunctive tense because although it is important that Pierre finishes his homework, we don’t know for sure that he actually will.
The subjunctive tense is formed by dropping the –ent ending from the ils/elles form of the verb, then adding the following endings: (je) -e (nous) -ions (tu) -es (vous) -iez (on/il/elle)-e (ils/elles) -ent
Examples: écouter = écoutent écoute écoutions écoutes écoutiez
vendre= vendent vende vendions vendes vendiez vendent choisir= choisissent choisisse choisissions choisisses choisissiez choisissent
There are some important irregular verbs in the subjunctive.
faire fasse fassions fasses fassiez fassent avoir aie ayons aies ayez ait aient être sois soyons soyez soit soient aller aille allions ailles alliez aillent
The expression “il faut que” is always followed by the subjunctive.
Il faut que nous étudiions. Il faut que Pierre parte toute de suite. Il faut que vous lisiez ce livre.
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