The present tense.


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Transcription de la présentation:

The present tense

Verbs Verbs are doing words. When you are talking about what happened in the past you use the past tense. To describe what is going to happen in the future you use the future tense. When you want to describe what happens or is happening you must use the present tense. Although there are two present tenses in English there is only one in French! Therefore French is easier than English!

Three main groups of verbs In French most verbs end in -er. Here are five examples of –er verbs: acheter, demander, jouer, parler, porter There are two other groups of regular verbs. They are: -ir and -re. Here are three examples of each: finir, remplir, partir, descendre, vendre, attendre

Regular verbs in the present tense To form a regular –er verb, take the –er off the infinitive and add the correct ending: Bachoter, to cram (for an exam) Je bachote = I cram or I am cramming tu bachotes = Il / elle / on bachote = Nous bachotons = Vous bachotez = Ils/elles bachotent = Copy out the rule and the verb bachoter. Highlight the verb endings. Translate all parts or the verb. Challenge: do the same for: ranger (to tidy) and garder (to look after) Click here!

Same stuff, different verb To form a regular –ir verb (e.g. finir, to finish), remove the –ir and add: Je finis = I finish, I am finishing Tu finis = Il / elle / on finit = Nous finissons = Vous finissez = Ils / elles finissent = Copy out the rule and verb finir. Highlight the verb endings. Translate all parts or the verb. Challenge: do the same for: réfléchir (to reflect) rougir (to blush)

Same stuff, last time… To form a regular –re verb (e.g. répondre, to reply), remove the –re and add: Je réponds = I reply, I am replying Tu réponds = Il / elle / on répond = Nous répondons = Vous répondez = Ils / elles répondent = Copy out the rule and verb répondre. Highlight the verb endings. Translate all parts or the verb. Challenge: do the same for: Perdre (to lose) Tondre la pelouse (to mow the lawn)

Je comprends! Trouvez les verbes au présent Je dépense mon argent de poche le weekend Il cultive son jardin Nous avons collé la feuille Elle photocopiait Tu frappes à la porte Le soleil brille Le soleil va briller Je recycle le papier Je gardais mon frère On va laver la voiture de mon père Vous avez chanté