How does an ultrasound work ?


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Transcription de la présentation:

How does an ultrasound work ? Lab Work #2 How does an ultrasound work ?

I. Ultrasound imaging in medicine Video : how does an ultrasound work ?

The development of the fetus can be …....................................... by routine ultrasounds. An ultrasound is a …..................................... that allows a physician to …............................. internal anatomy through the use of …....................... …......................... ….......................... …........................

A transducer is placed against the skin of the abdomen and gently …. … A transducer is placed against the skin of the abdomen and gently …..................... …......................... while it emits …...................... sound waves into the body. The sound waves …......................... or echo on structures …......................... the abdomen such as the fetus.

The sound wave signals are ….............................. by a computer and …............................ on a monitor. With these images the physician can …........................ the fetus and ….......................... the progress of its development.

II. How ultrasonic waves allows us to « see » through an opaque object?

Material In front of Side by side none cardboard metal polystyrene cloth plywood

Material Transmits the wave Reflects the wave none cardboard metal polystyrene cloth plywood

III. How ultrasonic waves allows us to measure a distance?

Beginning of the signal from the transmitter Beginning of the signal from the receiver

IV. Ultrasound wave path during an ultrasound imaging examination Animation :

Principe d'un échographie TP n°2 Principe d'un échographie

I. Comment voir à travers un objet opaque?

Matériau Face à face Côte à côte air carton métal polystyrène tissu contreplaqué

matériau Transmet l'onde Reflète l'onde air carton métal polystyrène tissu contreplaqué

II. Comment peut-on mesurer une distance avec les ultrasons?

Début du signal de l'émetteur Début du signal du récepteur

III. Principes de l'exploration par échographie Animation :