GRVS French Trial of GBG Program An educational intervention for youth with long term prevention effects 2015-2017 Lecture diapo Programme destiné aux enfants de l’école primaire Programme américain « Good Behavior Game » : les séances sont présentés aux enfants comme un jeu Implanté dans de multiples endroits dans le monde (citer) Validé par la recherche internationale comme programme efficace (résultats significatifs corroborés sur plusieurs sites) Première expérimentation en France dans les Alpes-Maritimes et adaptation pour la France en cours depuis septembre 2015 = deux années scolaires Annonce du plan : - d’abord le programme GBG et les avantages de son implantation - Ensuite description de l’expérimentation dans les Alpes-Maritimes et premiers résultats de l’étude de faisabilité Supported by MILDECA Santé Publique France ARS PACA Towns of Valbonne, Vallauris and City of Nice
FOXCROFT DR, TSERTSVADZE A FOXCROFT DR, TSERTSVADZE A. Universal school-based prevention program for alcohol misuse in young people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,2011, 5, Art n°: CD009113 Generic prevention programs are more efficient than alcohol- specific prevention programs Three highlighted programs Life Skills Training (USA) Unplugged (EUROPE) GBG ( USA and EUROPE)
GBG : an Evidence – Based Program (1) Baltimore – first grade school in 1985 Selected Outcomes at Young Adulthood Age 19 - 21 GBG Standard Program Risk Reduction Alcohol Abuse / Dependence Disorder (Kellam & al, 2008) Males and Females 13% 20% 35% Use of School-Based Services for Alcohol, Drugs or Mental Health (Poduska, 2008) Males highly aggressive and disruptive in first grade 17% 33% 48% Drug Abuse/Dependence Disorder (Kellam & al, 2008) Males 19% 29% 38% 83% 50% 65% Regular Smocking (Kellam & al, 2008) 7% 0% 25% 59% 100%
GBG : an Evidence – Based Program (2) Baltimore – first grade school in 1985 Selected Outcomes at Young Adulthood Age 19 - 21 GBG Standard Program Risk Reduction Antisocial Personality Disorder (Kellam & al, 2008) Males and Females Males highly aggressive and disruptive in first grade 17% 41% 25% 86% 32% 52% Juvenile Court and/or Adult Incarceration Record for Violent and Criminal Behavior (Petras & al, 2008) 34% 50% Suicide Attempts (Wilcox & al, 2008) Females Males 10% 20% 18% 44%
GBG : What is it ? An evidence based classroom management strategy: That does not infringe on the time dedicated to academic learning That has an immediate impact on school climate A strategy that helps to socialize children in their student role Greater self-confidence, respect towards the others and the environment Enhanced focus, better commitment, autonomy and cooperation Greater efficiency in the verbalisation of emotions and arguments
GBG : Four Core Elements Classroom Rules Positive Reinforcement Monitoring Behaviors Team Membership Les règles de la classe, qui sont valables pendant tout le temps scolaire, modulables pour toutes les situations et qui deviennent les règles du jeu pendant les séances GBG (les citer) L’appartenance à une équipe : les séances GBG favorisent l’entraide, la solidarité et la coopération dans des équipes constituées de façon hétérogène. Le principe du jeu favorise la solidarité mais aussi l’apprentissage par les pairs et la médiation par la pairs. L’observation active du comportement : pendant les séances GBG, l’enseignant se consacre à l’observation du comportement des élèves, ce qui facilite une pédagogie différenciée, une meilleure adéquation de l’attitude éducative aux personnalités de chacun et une analyse plus fine du comportement des élèves en groupe Le renforcement positif : pendant tout le temps de classe, valorisation des comportements attendus pour présenter des modèles de bons comportements et des attentes claires, rapport de 1 pour 4 entre la valorisation et le commentaire destiné à recadrer ou obtenir un changement. Pendant les séances GBG, rituels de félicitations et récompenses pour les équipes gagnantes.
Implementation Process - 2015-2017 Implementation in three French schools(660 pupils, 32 teachers) 2015-2016 : VALBONNE, Garbejaire 2016-2017 : VALLAURIS, Langevin II (REP: « Priority Education Network ») 2016-2017 : NICE, René Arziari (deprived urban area, lack of social diversity) Transfer of skills from AIR to GRVS aiming at a French autonomy from July 2017 Feasibility study Measuring of the development of disruptive behaviors in the three schools throughout the year (scoreboard reports) Measuring of social adaptation and behavior of the most disruptive children with the TOCA scale(Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation) Qualitative study involving all the actors of the program
Impact of the GBG program on school climate Impact of the GBG program on school climate. School of Garbejaire, Valbonne, 280 pupils, 2015-2016 Average number of disruptive behavior per week (1030 sessions)
Impact of the GBG program on the most disruptive pupils TOCA Scale School of Garbejaire, Valbonne, 43 pupils, 2015-2016
Some qualitative data from teachers « Thanks to GBG, I’ve enjoyed teaching this year more than ever » Teacher, école de Garbejaire, Valbonne, 2015-2016 « In team work, it’s amazing(…) the GBG has enabled much calmer , supportive and forthcoming team assignments » Teacher, école de Garbejaire, 2015-2016 « Given the new pupils I’ve had this year, the GBG has saved my year! (…) I save time as I don’t waste time with discipline, pupils focus longer and are more efficient » Teacher, école René Arziari, 2016-2017 « Everybody is really very happy with playing the GBG, everyone is an actor in the game, is aware that the GBG enhances team work, team membership and autonomy, it’s striking » Teacher, école Langevin II, Vallauris, 2016-2017
Conclusion GBG program shows that behavioral training in the elementary grades can place students on a more productive course and reduce costs for a wide range of social problems GBG could be perceived by French educational authority as an efficient mean to strengthen professional gestures, to achieve its objective of a common set of core skills The small scale implementation has been successfully led strictly in accordance with the initial program, while obtaining a large satisfaction among teachers and pupils In 2017-2018, experimentation of the transfer of skills in another region, towards local project partners