Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport Responsables des programmes FLS et ELA: Diane Alain et Michele Luchs Animateurs: Diane Alain et Michael Pellegrin
Les intentions Réfléchir aux transferts des apprentissages possibles pour le développement de la compétence à communiquer à l’oral Réfléchir aux transferts des apprentissages possibles pour le développement de la compétence à communiquer à l’oral Les programmes Des concepts Des concepts Des réflexions Des réflexions Des stratégies d’enseignement
L1L2 The student transfers learning from one language to another Teachers collaborate to build bridges between both languages
5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer 5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer Activating student reflection on learning Activating student reflection on learning Using similar vocabulary Modeling strategies Setting goals Collaborating
L1 L 2 L’hypothèse de l’interdépendance (Cummins) Compétence commune sous-jacente Compétence commune sous-jacente
It is practice focus approach to professional develop A practice focused approach to professional develop
C’est le temp de se réchauffer!
Qu’est-ce que la communication orale? Qu’est-ce que la communication orale? La communication orale
Talk et la communication orale Talk et la communication orale
Sharing reading
Lecture de textes 1. Quelles stratégies ont été mises de l’avant dans ce texte? Les incontournables? What strategies are highlighted in this text? What are the essentials? 2. En quoi ces stratégies peuvent être aidantes pour favoriser le transfert? In what way can these strategies be useful in supporting the transfer of learning?
Reading and writing flow on a sea of talk. James Britain
Think-pair- share
TeachersConsultants What we have come to know about transfer
5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer 5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer Activating student reflection on learning Activating student reflection on learning Using similar vocabulary Modeling strategies Setting goals Collaborating
5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer 5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer Using similar vocabulary Setting goals Collaborating
5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer 5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer Using similar vocabulary Modeling strategies Collaborating
5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer 5 keys for building bridges and activating student transfer Activating student reflection on learning Activating student reflection on learning Using similar vocabulary Collaborating
Types of transfer What type of transfer are you planning for? Positive or negative transfer e.g. teach new skill or continue …… be transfered between languages, or teach to undo an incorrect language usage.
Types of transfer Linguistic or conceptual transfer e.g. Teach about language, or concepts, or both, to support transfer.
High leverage teaching practices What makes a practice “high leverage”? A “high-leverage practice” is an action or task central to teaching. They are useful across a broad range of: subject areas grade levels teaching contexts
Types of feedback Explicit correction Reformulation Repetition Clarification Encouragement Metalinguistic indicators
A melting pot of ideas! With your partner, brainstorm ideas of activities that could support transfer
Où? Quoi? Comment? Où? Quoi? Comment? Que faites-vous pour développer la compétence à communiquer à l’oral?
Learning contexts Texts ELA Learning contexts Texts ELA Talk and programmes Conventions of communication Prosody FSL Conventions of communication Prosody FSL
A melting pot of ideas! II With your partner, brainstorm ideas of activities that could support transfer
Types de langues 1. Quelles sont les caractèristiques du vocabulaire dans chacun des dialogues? What are the characteristics of the vocabulary in each dialogue? 2. D’après vous, est-ce le temps d’acquisition est le même pour les deux types de langues? In your opinion, does it take the same time to acquire both types of language? 3. Dans quel contexte ces types de langues peuvent-elles être acquises? What is the context in which the language is acquired?
Types de languages
A melting pot of ideas! III With your partner, brainstorm ideas of activities that could support transfer
How What Why Questionner… pour enseigner? pour apprendre? Questionner… pour enseigner? pour apprendre?
Recherche Strategies for listening and comprehension Communication strategies Communication strategies Paraphrase Strategies for speaking and interaction
What do you notice: Understanding how texts work through talk Expert teacher practice
Taking a listening posture Listening and comprehension Verifying comprehension Relying on non- verbal cues Understanding a speaker’s purpose Predicting the content of a text
Respecting the conventions of talk Speaking and interacting Speaking and interacting Differing styles of prosody Relying on non- verbal cues Trying out words and expressions Taking risks Adjusting talk for a particular audience
A melting pot of ideas! IV With your partner, brainstorm ideas of activities that could support transfer