
Présentations similaires
Avoir et Être Les règles et du pratique Par C. Halsall (Brookfield)

Comment ils sappellent?. Jaime / je déteste habiter dans ma région Le but: In this lesson you will learn how to say why you like / dislike living.
Une Amie Un Ami Français I.
Les Questions dInformation. Information Questions Information questions are open-ended. They request new information and cannot be answered with a simple.
Comment serait…? To be able to use conditional tense to talk about your ideal family and partner.
Question words.
Cest lundi, le 2 décembre 2013 Les Objectifs: NS 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide & obtain info. Express feelings & emotions, and exchange.
Les Expressions Négatives
Français I. Une fille française Gabrielle est française. Elle est blonde. Elle est belle. Elle est de Paris.
C’est lundi, le 25 novembre 2013 Les Objectifs: NS 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide & obtain info. Express feelings & emotions, and exchange.
Expressing which or what And the whole or the entire and all or every.
Mes activités.
1. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN “QUI”. The relative pronoun qui is a subject pronoun. It may refer to people or things, and corresponds to the English pronouns.
WILF: Activities you did in the past (grade D-) Activities and opinions in the past (grade D) Add frequency words and intensifiers (grade D+) Include activities.
Warm up Vocabulary review. manger la pizza jouer au volley.
Livre page 48. There are 4 different ways to form questions. Félicitations!! You already know 2 of the ways ☻ We have not “officially” studied this concept.
Leçon 7: Une boum Les verbes en -er Many French infinitives end in -er
3 Les Verbes -ER Talking about people’s activities Les normes: –Communication 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding.
Sujet Objet Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs
WALT: To talk about the internet in French.
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
Let’s go back to the verb endings. What are our 3 infinitive endings? ER IR RE What is an infinitive? An unconjugated verb In other words, a verb in the.
Cultural Comparison 1 minute for directions (in English and French, spoken consecutively): You will make an oral presentation to your class on a specific.
Forming questions in French
Les adjectifs possessifs
Les travaux du ménage. travailler dans le jardin.
Leçon 7: Une Boum Unité 3.
Français 1 vendredi, le 9 novembre 2012 Objectifs Aujiourd’hui nous faisons: Grammaire:  Le verbe «être»  La négation  La déscription  Mon autobiographie.
2 La négation Les normes: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1:
L’Heure To ask what time it is in French, say: – Quelle heure est-il? To respond, say: – Il est... heure(s). – Ex: 02h00 Il est deux heures. 04h00 Il est.
Pile-Face 1. Parlez en français! (Full sentences) 2. One person should not dominate the conversation 3. Speak the entire time The goal: Practice! Get better.
Warm up Traveling is often fun; write five sentences about your best vacation; where did you go and what wonderful memories you still remember. ( use.
Les Questions d’Information (Information questions)
WALT: Recognise and use phrases in the past tense with opinions of leisure activities. WILF: To be able to use opinions in the past tense. You must be.
Year 10. Bon appetit unit. Introducing ‘en’. ‘en’ – ‘some of it’ or ‘some of them’ ‘En’ is a small but important word in French that is commonly used.
Jeunes, qui êtes-vous? Using reading strategies for comprehension, comparisons, and preparation for Café français.
La mémoire(1): Comment bien travailler
Are these sentences grammatically correct??? I request that he arrive at 6pm. I request that she be in her seat when the bell rings. Final Answer? YES!
Qu’est-ce que? Estiel le presentat ions Interrogative expressions À quelle heure? = At what time? Où? = Where? Quand? = When? Comment? = How? Pourquoi?
La Comparaison Avec Les Adjectifs
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
Warm up Life is about making personal choices and decisions; What good habits, as far as nutrition and fitness, you want to keep or adopt and some bad.
Les noms et les articles
Time Although o’clock may be left out in English, the expression heure(s) must be used in French when giving time. It’s ten (o’clock) il est dix heures.
8 Le superlatif Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: How is the superlative of an adjective made? What is the difference.
J’ai une question! Objectifs: 1) Poser une question de 3 manières différentes 2) Parler de votre famille.
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
On conjugue! [Avoir et Etre] It is very important to learn and practise using the conjugations of verbs in French.
 C’est à toi 1 – Unité 6 - En voyage Nous avons visité Paris.
Leçon 7: Une boum Les verbes en -er -e -ons -es -ez -e -ent je nous tu
‘Oddballs !’ Some more irregular verb revision in the Present Tense.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.
Les Expressions Négatives WALT:Formez des phrases négatives.
JE is I TU is YOU IL HE ELLE is SHE ON means ONE NOUS is WE and VOUS can mean YOU ALL ILS is THEY (ELLES is THEY!) and VOUS can also mean YOU FORMAL JE.
Français I – Leçon 6A Structures demonstrative adjectives passé composé with avoir.
LEÇON 14.  Écrivez vos devoirs: #14, 15, et 16 (please remember to read instructions, follow them closely, and ask clarifying questions BEFORE the work.
Bon Voyage – Chapitre 1 Un ami, une amie.
Verb Conjugation Learning to conjugate your first verb in French.
The comparative and superlative b In this lesson you will learn how to use the comparative and superlative in a sentence. b 1. We will discuss the translation.
LES ARTICLES le français 1. Discussion Read the statements below and then discuss the questions. J’ai une amie française. Elle s’appelle Anne. J’ai un.
We all ready know two French verbs. What are they?
LEÇON 10.  Écrivez vos devoirs: 1.Devoirs packet #7 2.Practice les chiffres # Complete présentations, if necessary.  Sortez vos devoirs: #8-10.
J’ai une question! Objectifs: 1) Poser une question de 3 manières différentes 2) Parler de vos vacances.
Do now: translate into English 1.Je voudrais une livre du bœuf. 2.Tu aimes le poisson? 3.Vous prenez du poulet avec (with) des pommes de terre? 4.Nous.
Transcription de la présentation:


4 pts3 pts2 pts1 pt Frequency of Participation Your hand is always raised and you attempt longer and more difficult responses during class activities. Your hand is often raised to participate during class activities. Your hand is seldom raised to participate in class; you only try the “easy ones.” You do not volunteer to contribute to the class. Independence You are always on task during pair and group activities the entire time. You complete most group and pair activities in allotted time. You sometimes need to be reminded to stay on task during group or pair activities OR you carelessly rush through activities. You give minimum effort during pair and group activities and are often off task. Quality of Participation You are willing to answer open- ended questions in class discussion. You elaborate on answers beyond a single sentence. You try to communicate more complex ideas and attempt creativity or humor. You consistently respond in single complete French sentences. You willingly elaborate when prompted. You try to communicate your own ideas in French. You usually respond with single words or memorized phrases OR you respond so infrequently that it’s difficult to judge your abilities. Your responses are often incomprehensible or inappropriate to the situation OR you refuse to answer questions by shrugging or saying “je ne sais pas” OR you respond to French with English. Listening You actively listen when the teacher and fellow students speak in French. You are consistently able to follow complex directions and respond to comprehension questions after listening to tapes, CD, video or teacher lectures in French. You actively listen when the teacher speaks in French. You can accurately follow most directions and attempt to respond to questions after listening to tapes, CDs, video, or teacher lectures in French. You sometimes listen when the teacher speaks. You sometimes are able to follow directions given in French, but often have to check to see what other students are doing. You “tune out” when the teacher begins speaking in French. You rely on other students to tell you what to do in English. You are unable to respond to questions after listening to tapes, CDs, videos, or teacher lectures giving in French. Use of French in Class You stay in French the entire class period. You initiate conversations in French. You respond in French with the teacher and classmates. You always use French to respond to the teacher and use French with classmates during structured activities. The teacher must occasionally remind you to use French. You only use French in structured class, group and pair activities. The teacher must frequently remind you to use French. You speak as little French as possible during class, pair, and group activities. The teacher must consistently remind you to use French.

QUANT À MOI…  Quelle est votre phrase ou devise préférée ?  Définissez-vous d'une manière originale. Je suis celui qui... / Je suis celle que...

QUANT À MOI…  Quels sont les adjectifs qui vous définissent le mieux?  Quel est le trait de votre personnalité que vous aimeriez changer ou améliorer ?

QUANT À MOI…  Pouvez-vous identifier sept choses que vous aimeriez faire avant de mourir ?  Et d’habitude que faites-vous lorsque vous n'arrivez pas à vous endormir ?

L’AMITIÉ…  Quelles sont les qualités que vous demandez à vos meilleurs amis ?  Pour quelle raison avez-vous perdu un bon ami / une bonne amie ?

L’AMITIÉ…  "L'amitié, c'est une plante qu'il faut arroser": Que faut-il faire pour conserver l'amitié de ses amis ?  Qu'est-ce que vous ne pardonneriez pas à un ami / à une amie ?

LA SANTÉ…  Que faut-il faire pour vivre en bonne santé ?  Que faites-vous pour rester toujours en forme ?

LA SANTÉ…  Vous êtes-vous déjà cassé un bras ou une jambe ? Comment cela s'est-il passé ?  Avez-vous jamais eu un accident dont vous gardez des cicatrices ? Comment cela s'est-il passé ?

LA VIE CONTEMPORAINE…  Quelles règles d'or faut-il respecter en famille pour bien vivre ensemble ?  Quelles sont les principales sources de conflit entre parents et adolescents ?  Racontez un événement curieux / spécial qui vous est arrivé récemment en famille.

L’HONNÊTETÉ…  Quelle est votre définition de l’honnêteté ?  Etiez-vous jamais malhonnête ? Quand ?

L’HONNÊTETÉ…  Avez-vous le droit de ne donner qu’une moitie de la vérité ?  Comment pouvez-vous être honnête sans faire mal à quelqu’un ?

L’HONNÊTETÉ…  On dit souvent que “L’ honnêteté est toujours récompensée…’. Etes-vous d’accord avec cette expression? Pourquoi/pourquoi pas?