Par: Gregory Carroll And Ethan Hatchard
Different dogs Dogs come in different shapes, sizes and colors. Dogs can have floppy ears or up right ears.
Dog jobs Dogs can be used for many jobs such as hunting, guarding and herding and much more.
Dogs hair Some dogs have short hair or long hair and even no hair.
Huskies There is a dog that lives in Antarctica and it is a huskies and they also can life at your house.
Hearing and smelling Dogs have way better hearing and smelling then humans so they can help you when you are death or blind
Puppies When puppies leave their mom and dad when somebody buys them they usle cry.
When Buying A Dog When buying a dog you have a choice of a puppy or an adult and its up to you what kind.
Fetch The Mail Some dogs are trained to fetch the mail.
Bones Dogs have more bones then people.
Les Chiens Tous les chiens ont un museau,une queue et des membres. Leur corps est fait pour la chasse.
Le Chien Le chien grogne pour menacer ses ennemis et aboie pour avertir son entourage d’un danger.
Le Chien Les chiens de garde sont forts et les policiers les utilisent pour le travail.
Le Chien Un chien nouveau né est appellé chiot. La mère porte ses petits environ deux mois.
Le Chien Les chiens sont des amis fidèles. De nombreuses personnes ont des chiens de compagnie.