Business intelligence Définition : information pertinente à la prise de décision (stratégique et opérationnelle) Paradigmes et approches de gestion de l’info (approche informatique VS approche linguistique) Processus de recherche Extraction (aspirateurs) Organisation(indexation) Consultation, Dissémination(guichetier) Quantité (bruit) VS Qualité (pertinence) Importance de l’info INVISIBLE (pages isolées) : inaccesssible pour les moteurs de recherche conventionnels
BERKELEY UNIVERSITY, Oct. 2000 “The world is drowning in an ocean of data as the number of personal computers continues to multiply and the internet continues to expand.” “What is clear is that 93% of all the data is digital and the information on the Internet is accessible from anywhere in the world.” “…we really don’t have the tools to find the information we’re looking for, most of which exists in some dark corner of the Internet, not indexed by search engines and thus not accessible.”
GARTNER GROUP “The second technology to watch is Natural Language Information Retrieval which will be a major step forward in search capabilities.” - Gartner Group in its 2000 “10 technologies to watch” Documents are hard to find (1hour wasted per week) Content is hard to manipulate and repurpose (1.5 hrs per week) The importance of a document’s content is not obvious (30 minutes per week) Retrieving a misfiled document costs about $120. “on a hypothetical enterprise of 1,000 users, assuming an average compensation of $55,000 per year per user would create a waste of $4.8 million per year.” - Gartner Group February 1997