Pile/Face Tu as quel âge? Quel est le date?


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Talking about yourself

Les pronoms relatifs Objective: Learn to use more interesting and more complex sentences in French.
Quelle est la question?.
Bien Dit Level 1 Chapitre 1 Vocabulaire 2.
2 Tu et Vous: Two ways to say « you » La norme: Comparisons 4.1 –Understanding the nature of language through making comparisons Les questions essentielles:
Le verbe avoir Lesson objectives: revise avoir and learn how to use it in questions and sentences about ma famille.
Les sujets I am certain that you will learn a lot today, and that we will understand the subject pronouns en français.
T HE VERB FAIRE A very versatile irregular verb You can DO the right thing by MAKING the conjugations of this verb fit the subject!
Français I. Une fille française Gabrielle est française. Elle est blonde. Elle est belle. Elle est de Paris.
Presenting the wonderful world of Pronouns.
Subjects Verb Avoir to have. Subjects Singular 1.Je/J’ I 2.Tu You (singular informal) 3.Il He/It Elle She/It On We/You/ People/One/They Marc Marie La.
When do we use numbers? Why are they important? Why is it important to know numbers in French (or any other language)? Can you think of some REAL WORLD.
La Grammaire: Indefinite articles and plural of nouns Page 24.
1 Learn how to talk about where you are from as well as other people Learn how to ask about other people Definite and Indefinite articles Questions? Module.
Welcome to French Live Lessons! 3.01 & 3.02.
Unité 2 A Français 1.
10/8/2014.  Le mot du jour: mes amis  L’objectif: Falcons can describe themselves and understand how adjectives and nouns agree.  La question: Tu es.
Block 2A: le 17 Septembre  SILENTLY complete the spelling worksheet.  When you’re finished, study for your make-up alphabet quiz!!
Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 1
Le passé composé The perfect tense Eg: J’ai mangé une pizza I have eaten/ate a pizza.
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
Let’s go back to the verb endings. What are our 3 infinitive endings? ER IR RE What is an infinitive? An unconjugated verb In other words, a verb in the.
10 Asking the questions “Who?”and “What?” Les normes: Communicaiton 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: How do you say “Who” in French? What.
Forming questions in French
Essential Question ● How do you express and give your opinion in French?
LA DATE MME YEE L'hôtel Français. Avant de lire 1. Have you ever stayed at a hotel? Where? 2. If not, what do you think it would be like? 3. What do you.
Chapitre 1 Une amie et un ami. Objectifs In this chapter, students will communicate in spoken and written French to: 1. Identify and describe themselves.
Dans la classe de français
He or she? I can say and understand the words for ‘he and ‘she’ in French.
Pile-Face 1. Parlez en français! (Full sentences) 2. One person should not dominate the conversation 3. Speak the entire time The goal: Practice! Get better.
2 Le verbe « être » au pluriel Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the plural subject pronouns in French?
Year 10. Bon appetit unit. Introducing ‘en’. ‘en’ – ‘some of it’ or ‘some of them’ ‘En’ is a small but important word in French that is commonly used.
Leçon 4B, la date – de la page 60 jusqu’à la page 63
En français, every NOUN has a gender. It is either MASCULINE or FEMININE. It has NOTHING to do with who uses it more, what color it is, etc. It is just.
Subject Pronouns Objectives : To explain and practise the pronouns.
FLASH! Power Point Sample. Use FLASH! with any level I put a variety of topics in here so you can see how to make a FLASH! with different levels of learners.
Let’s enjoy making Session 2. Let’s enjoy making: Session 2 Les déménageurs sont arrivés !
Object pronouns How to say “him”, “her”, “it”, “them”
Les noms et les articles
Chapitre 1 Le çon 2 Le vocabulaire. Un crayon A pencil.
Warm up Think of something funny that can be put on screen. This is my story: long time ago when I came to the USA, a policeman gave me driving ticket.
1. Est-ce que Est-ce que, literally translated "is it that," can be placed at the beginning of any affirmative sentence to turn it into a question: Je.
Demonstrative Adjectives. 0 These are used to point out specific people or things. 0 They mean “this, that, these, or those” in English. 0 this book 0.
Français 1 1. Unlike the regular –ER verbs that you have learned so far, the verb être is an irregular verb.
Pile/Face élève. Comment ça s’ecrit? (How is that spelled?)
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.
Subject Pronouns People who are doing the action They replace the name of the noun performing the verb.
Mes loisirs Learning Objectives In this lesson you will learn to talk about what activities you like to do/ or don’t like to do.
Français I Leçon 1B - vocabulaire
LEÇON 14.  Écrivez vos devoirs: #14, 15, et 16 (please remember to read instructions, follow them closely, and ask clarifying questions BEFORE the work.
Unit 1 Review. Les âges Enchanté L’alphabet et les nombres Dans la salle de classe.
Pile/Face Comment tu t’appelles? Comment ça va?
LES ARTICLES le français 1. Discussion Read the statements below and then discuss the questions. J’ai une amie française. Elle s’appelle Anne. J’ai un.
Le vendredi 4 décembre et la semaine de la 7 décembre Les Déscriptions Learning Objectives: To understand how to describe personal qualities. To be able.
VOULOIR (to want). VOULOIR O Je veux O Tu veux O Il/Elle/On veut O Nous voulons O Vous voulez O Ils/Elles veulent.
Le 4 janvier 2016 Bell Ringer Who can tell me how to ask the following questions? When do you go for a walk? Where do you live? Why is he studying?
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Echauffement: mardi, le vingt-quatre janvier, deux mille douze Translate the following sentences into French: 1. We go to the store.  Nous allons au magasin.
Le Verbe Avoir L’Objectif: to learn the verb avoir in the present tense and to be able to use it in context By: B. Antoniazzi DDE French 1 U1 L2C AVOIR.
Français 12/14/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 112. Ecrivez six phrases de sports et activités. What is worse than “raining cats and dogs?” Important(e)
Do now: translate into English 1.Je voudrais une livre du bœuf. 2.Tu aimes le poisson? 3.Vous prenez du poulet avec (with) des pommes de terre? 4.Nous.
La Salle de Classe = ___________ Objectif: to ask and respond about classroom objects.
Au Debut #1 Leçon 1B Les Directions: à traduire: 1.les amis = the friends 2.la littérature = the literature 3.la différence = 4.le problème 5.le bureau.
Ma Famille Find the French for the following words: 1.Mother 2.Father 3.Brother 4.Sister 5.Uncle 6.Aunt 7.Grandmother 8.Grandfather.
Le français II Reprise. How to ask for information? Comment tu t’appelles? Comment il/elle s’appelle? Comment allez-vous?/Ca va? Tu as quel age? Il/Elle.
Pile/Face Tu as quel âge? Quel est le date?
Pile/Face Est-ce que tu es timide? Est-ce que tu es intelligent?
Transcription de la présentation:

Pile/Face Tu as quel âge? Quel est le date? Quand est ton anniversaire? Dans quel mois est St Patrick’s? (Il est en…) Dans quel mois est Noël (Christmas)? Dans quel mois est Halloween? Est-ce que Jonny Depp est chanteur ou acteur? Est-ce que Julia Childs est homme ou femme? Est-ce que Harry Potter est un garçon ou une fille? Il y a combien d’élèves dans la classe? Il y a combien d’horlages dans la salle de classe? Il y a combien de corbeilles dans la salle de classe?

French 1 Objective: SWBAT discuss date, birthdays, people Présentations French 1 Objective: SWBAT discuss date, birthdays, people

Le zapping: le Moulinex www.vhlcentral.com, p.15 Qu’est-ce que c’est? Comprehension: What numbers and articles did you understand? What is special about this device? Discussion: Have you ever eaten raclette or crepes before? When would you use la Triplette? What other appliances can do more than one job?

L’alphabet p. 5: http://mmecall.weebly.com/franccedilais-1.html Spelling check! Des tableaux. ami résultat femme télévision garçon problème fenêtre bibliothèque littérature résultat bientôt librairie lycée sociologie dictionnaire élève

Pronunciation: p. 19

Pronunciation: p. 19

Pronunciation: p. 19

p. 29

Dessiner, c’est gagner! Flyswatter?

Le film: www.vhlcentral.com, p.20-21 Listen for: The gist of what is going on (Overall, what is happening?) the words that you understand (write them down) How people talk about themselves and others (can you pick up on how to say I, you, he, she, we, they, etc)