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Un enseigne, l’autre observe

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Présentation au sujet: "Un enseigne, l’autre observe"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Un enseigne, l’autre observe
Un enseignant donne le cours et l’autre observe la classe dans un but précis. (Friend et Pope, 2004) This model is one that is used only once or twice for a particular purpose. This is not a model to be used for an extended period of time. Professionals should decide in advance what types of information are to be gathered and agree on a system for gathering the data. Afterward, the professionals should collaboratively review the information. Observation should be a deliberate part of the lesson and not just incidental checks of student activity. The second professional could be another teacher, a guidance counsellor, Speech-Language Pathologist or Educational Psychologist. 1

2 Un enseigne, l’autre circule
Un enseignant donne le cours, tandis que l’autre circule dans la classe pour aider les élèves. (Friend et Pope, 2004) One person instructs while the other circulates throughout the room providing assistance to students as needed. If both are familiar with the curriculum content, either teacher can lead the instruction. 2

3 Enseignement parallèle
Le groupe est divisé en deux. Les enseignants planifient ensemble le cours et enseignent simultanément la même matière à deux groupes hétérogènes distincts. (Friend et Pope, 2004) This approach gives each teacher an active–but separate–instructional role in the classroom. Students can be strategically placed in the two groups. Teachers would plan together and clearly identify, in advance, the targeted outcomes and responsibilities for instruction and evaluation. 3

4 Centre d’enseignement
Les enseignants divisent la matière et les élèves. Chacun des enseignants présente la matière à un groupe, puis à un autre groupe. S’il y a lieu, un troisième centre peut être créée pour du travail autonome. (Friend et Pope, 2004) Rotation through stations can occur during one or several classroom periods. Teachers who present a particular concept at a station would be chiefly responsible for the assessment of those outcomes. 4

5 Enseignement alternatif
Un enseignant s’occupe d’un grand groupe d’élèves, pendant que l’autre s’occupe d’un plus petit groupe. (Friend et Pope, 2004) The larger group completes the planned lesson while the smaller group completes an alternate lesson or the same lesson at a different level. This arrangement might take an entire class period or may be used for just a few minutes at the beginning or end of a lesson. For this approach to be successful, the purpose for the small group and its membership should vary. If both are knowledgeable of the curriculum, either teacher may lead either group. 5

6 Co-enseignement Les deux enseignants donnent le même cours en même temps. Ce modèle est souvent appelé enseignement en tandem. (Friend et Pope, 2004) This model has each teacher speak freely during whole group instruction and moves among all the students in the class. Instruction becomes a conversation, not turn-taking. This co-teaching approach is affected more than any other by individual teaching styles. This is the most interpersonal and complex co-teaching approach. In this model, both teachers are equally responsible for the presentation of curriculum and therefore share in planning and evaluation. 6

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